Deliverable 2.2 Electronic Submission System Set up

Deliverable 2.1. Cofunded call documents report

Deliverable 7.3. Call 2018 Promotion Material

This report contains the dissemination toolkit and the dissemination and promotion activities related to the Call 2018 carried out at international and national/regional.

Report on Critical Raw Materials and the Circular Economy

This report is now available on the EU bookshop following this link.

Raw Materials Scoreboard 2018

The new 2018 edition of the Raw Materials Scoreboard, a joint publication of the DG GROW and the JRC, is available on the EU bookshop on this link.

ERA-MIN 2 flyers

The ERA-MIN 2 flyers are available which showcase the overview of the ERA-MIN 2 project.

Deliverable 3.1. ERA-MIN Joint Call 2017: list of the Scientific Evaluation Board members

A total of 61 independent international experts were selected for the evaluation process of the co-funded ERA-MIN Joint Call 2017.

This report includes the briefing of the activities carried out for selecting the Scientific Evaluation Board (SEB) as well as the list of 26 independent international experts participating in the SEB at stage 1 evaluation, the list of 21 independent international experts participating in the SEB at stage 2 evaluation and the final list of 35 external reviewers involved in the remote scientific assessment of the proposals during stage 2.

Statistics on the composition of the SEB are also presented.

Deliverable 3.5. ERA-MIN Joint Call 2017: Summary of the 16 funded projects

This document includes the call statistics at pre- and full proposal stage, the data on each funded projects as well as the publishable abstracts. Further information is included in the followind links:

ERA-MIN Joint Call 2017 - The Projects' Abstracts 

Under the ERA-MIN Joint Call 2017, 16 top-ranked proposals are recommended for funding by the funding organisations participating in this call. 

The ERA-MIN Joint Call 2017 - The Projects' Abstracts presents the publishable abstracts of the funded projects under the ERA-MIN Joint call 2017 (grouped by main topic) and is now available at the following link:

Deliverable 3.3. ERA-MIN Joint Call 2017: list of projects after stage 2 and ranking list

This report details the ranking list of proposals after Stage 2 evaluation in the ERA-MIN Joint Call 2017.

16 transnational projects are funded under ERA-MIN Joint Call 2017 with a total public funding of 12.3 million €