ERA-MIN3 Flyer 2020_Call 2021

The ERA-MIN3 flyer is available which showcase the overview of the ERA-MIN3 project and the EU Co-funded ERA-MIN Joint Call 2021.

ERA-MIN3 Newsletter- April 2021

The ERA-MIN3 Newsletter- April 2021 contains information on the results and preliminary statistics of the EU Co-funded ERA-MIN Call 2021, an interview to ERA-MIN and ERA-MIN 2 funded projects coordinators, announcement and links to project testimonials and most relevant News and Events for the ERA-MIN3 community

Regulation concerning batteries and waste batteries

The Commission proposed a new Batteries Regulation (with Annexes) on 10 December 2020. This Regulation aims to ensure that batteries placed in the EU market are sustainable and safe throughout their entire life cycle.

ECERA white paper on Digital Circular Economy

The European Circular Economy Research Alliance (ECERA) recently published a white paper on the digital circular economy  in the run-up to the 2020 edition of the G-STIC conference.

In this white paper ECERA aims to strengthen the link between the digital and circular expert communities, and, as a first critical step, provide a common vocabulary.  

ERA-MIN 2 Newsletter- October 2020

The ERA-MIN 2 Newsletter- October 2020 contains information on the new ERA-MIN 3 project, the pre-announcement of the ERA-MIN Co-funded Call 2021,  statistics of Call 2019 and the impact of the funded projects under Call 2017.

ERA-MIN 2 Report on international cooperation with countries outside Europe

The Report on international cooperation with countries outside Europe is one of the public Deliverables that ERA-MIn 2, as a project funded by Horizon 2020, had to prepare and publish.

The report seeks to contribute to the international cooperation of ERA-MIN 2 with external stakeholders and related initiatives outside Europe. It contains a list of key actors and projects in Latin American and Caribbean Region, as well as in other non-EU countries and regions.


Deliverable 7.7 ERA-MIN Joint Call 2019 promotion material

The ERA-MIN Joint Call 2019 was first announced during the Raw Materials Week 2019, after being pre-announced in other events at national/regional brokerage events/Info days. The Call 2019 was also promoted by on-going projects and initiatives that support the raw materials sector. Moreover, a call dissemination kit was assembled and online partner search tools were made available to help consortia building.


EU research results on Mineral Extraction

The document Results Pack on mineral extraction A thematic collection of innovative EU-funded research results:Securing access to raw materials at minimum environmental and social costs, published by CORDIS on October 2020, gives access in its 16 pages to the research results of Horizon 2020 research and innovation projects. Project websites are included in the catalogue, allowing for readers to search for additional information.

The state-of-the-art minerals extraction technologies developed by these projects will reinforce the competitiveness of the EU industry and reduce negative environmental and health and safety impacts and risks. Contributing towards meeting ambitious energy and climate targets, the projects featured in this CORDIS Results Pack will help to gain the trust of EU citizens in the mining sector.

Additionally, securing sustainable access to raw materials, such as metals and industrial minerals, is crucial to achieving the objectives of The European Green Deal


Categorisation system for the circular economy: A sector-agnostic approach for activities contributing to the circular economy

ERA-MIN2 Newsletter - May 2020