11th PROMETIA’s Scientific Seminar - 2024
We are happy to invite you to the 11th edition of the PROMETIA Scientific Seminar! It will take place from 26th November 2024 14:00 CET to 28 November at 12:30 CET in Orléans, France.
This year’s seminar will include a special moment dedicated to celebrating the 10th anniversary of the association. It will kick off with insights on impacts of the CRM Act for mineral processing, extractive metallurgy and recycling and presentations from new or recent European projects on metal production.
The event will also feature the most recent innovations and R&D projects in the field, including piloting activities with METNET. A focused roundtable on challenges associated with copper production and workshops on circular economy starting on the mine site will also be proposed.
A detailed agenda and registration form will be made available soon on PROMETIA´s website. In the meantime, please save the date and share this information with your network.
PROMETIA and its members are looking forward to welcoming you in France this November!