ERA-NET Cofund on Raw Materials (ERA-MIN 2) is a public-public partnership funded under Horizon 2020. ERA-MIN 2 aims to implement a European-wide coordination of research and innovation programmes on raw materials to strengthen the industry competitiveness and the shift to a circular economy.
ERA-MIN 2 addresses 4 key objectives:
- Support and promote R&I cooperation in Europe. ERA MIN 2 supports transnational, excellent and translational R&I in Raw Materials through a minimum of three joint calls for proposals (one funded by the partner organisations and by the EU and two without EU co-funding).
- Reduce fragmentation of R&I funding in the area of non-energy non-agricultural raw materials across Europe and globally. ERA-MIN 2 will consolidate the coordination of R&I in raw materials sector of regional and national funding programmes through a joint transnational call cofunded by the EU and additional joint calls and, thereby will reduce fragmentation and increase funding coordination within Europe and with countries outside Europe that share the same priorities and needs.
- Provide a pan-European support network and financial resources to improve synergies, coordination and collaboration. The inclusion of funding organisations from almost all geographical areas of Europe as well as countries outside Europe, with varying levels of economic investment in R&I activities in the raw materials sector, ensures that effective supports are in place to develop Europe as a whole in this area. The partnership first established through ERA-MIN[1] (and now through ERA-MIN 2) between funding organisations and the academia and industry dealing with mineral resources will continue to strengthen the synergies in raw materials research. In ERA-MIN 2, the network will reach beyond key players in Europe and will build a strong global network with the European raw materials players at the core.
- Improve the efficiency and impact of human and financial investment in R&I activities in the area of Raw Materials. ERA-MIN 2 combines shared experiences of R&I funding in the raw materials sector thereby increasing the efficiency and impact of the programme. ERA-MIN 2 will ensure that funding is leveraged across countries and will further develop expertise in the EU countries but will also draw on knowledge and skills in partnering with countries outside Europe (e.g. Argentina, Chile, South Africa, Brazil, Canada, USA, Australia, Japan, Peru, Colombia and Uruguay).
[1] ERA-MIN ran from 2011 until 2015.
Partners of the ERA-MIN 2 and contact persons
Country/Region | Organisation | Contact person |
France | ADEME |
Olga Kergaravat Pauline Josserand Hélène Varlet |
Spain | AEI |
Severino Falcón Jorge Sotelo / Raquel Fernández |
Chile | ANID |
Andrea Cibotti Ortiz |
France | ANR |
Nela Roy Pascal Bain |
Finland | Business Finland |
Maarit Kokko |
Spain | CDTI |
Milvia Soumbounou García |
South Africa | DSI |
Ntombi Mchuba |
Portugal | FCT |
Dina Carrilho Stefano Amaral |
Brazil | Finep |
Tadzo Queiroz Henrique Vasquez Feteira do Vale Alexandre Barragat de Andrade Vivian Pires |
Belgium/Flanders | Fonds voor Innoveren en Ondernemen |
Elsie De Clercq |
Belgium/Flanders | FWO |
Olivier Boheme/Toon Monbaliu |
Ireland | GSI/EPA |
Aoife Braiden Ana Luisa Lavado |
Spain/Castilla y Léon | ICE |
Slovenia | MIZS |
Dorotea Zlobec |
Italy | MUR |
Aldo Covello |
Poland | NCBR |
Kinga Szymańska-Rzeźnik |
Germany | PTJ |
Holger Grünewald |
Argentina | SGCTeIP |
Maria Alejandra DAVIDZIUK Flavia SALVATIERRA |
Turkey | TUBITAK |
Ms. Hale Ay |
Romania | UEFISCDI |
Mihaela Manole Nicoleta Dumitrache |
Sweden | Vinnova |
Tobias Kampann |